Advanced Syntax Games


Oath Base Game · OATH-218

Action: Choose a pawn at another site. they must travel to your site if able, spending no Supply. If they do, give them the secret here.

Defense: 2

Standard DeckRelicPower

Q: If I’m in The Hidden Place, can I force them to flip over a secret to travel to me?

A: No. They have to be willing to flip it over. You do not have power over their resources.

Q: If they’re in another region and the Narrow Pass is in my region, will Whistle work?

A: Nope. They won’t be able to travel to you, unless you’re at the Narrow Pass.

Q: If I have the Vow of Silence, do I have to give the secret away?

A: Nope. Expect that your Whistle is going to get stolen soon!

Q: Do they get the secret face up or down?

A: Face up.

More Oath Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.