Advanced Syntax Games

Pied Piper

Oath Base Game ยท OATH-182

This card ignores the adviser limit. Action: Move this card to any other player's advisers. Take favor favor from them.

Standard DeckBeastPower

Q: Does the secret I pay to use this card move with the card?

A: Yes, but you will still get it back in your Rest Phase.

Q: Can I play this card if I already have three advisers?

A: Yes, because it ignores the adviser limit. But note that it does not reduce the total number of advisers you have!

Q: If I have three advisers, including this card, can I play and keep a fourth adviser?

A: No. Pied Piper itself ignores the adviser limit, so it does not prompt a discard when you play it, but it still counts toward your total number of advisers.

More Oath Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.