Advanced Syntax Games


Oath Base Game ยท OATH-160

Action: Draw the Vision closest to the top of the world deck. Play or discard it as if you searched.

Standard DeckNomadPower

Q: Does this increase the Visions Drawn track?

A: Yes.

Q: Where do I put the other cards from the World Deck that I handled?

A: Put them back on the World Deck in the same order.

Q: If I discard the Vision, can I use Cracked Horn to put it at the bottom of the world deck?

A: Yes!

Q: Can I play the Vision in my advisers facedown?

A: Yes!

Q: Can I play this card if I am at a site with Forced Labor and have no favor to pay?

A: No. This saddens me, but the wording on the card is just like the minor action to flip facedown advisers, so it has to be this way.

More Oath Rules

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