Advanced Syntax Games

Vow of Kinship

Oath Base Game · OATH-152

Move all of your favor to the suit\-nomad bank. Any favor you gain or take is put in the suit\-nomad bank. You can use favor in the suit\-nomad bank as if it is on your board.

Standard DeckNomad

Q: Do cards like $Royal Tax$ take favor from the Nomad bank now?

A: Nope. You can use favor in the Nomad bank, but it is not favor on your board.

Q: If I have the Banner of the People's Favor with only one favor, does its Wake power force me to take from the Nomad bank?

A: No. You can use Nomad favor as if it is on your board, but you are not forced to.

Q: If someone gives me favor, such as by using Witch's Bargain, does it go on my board or in the Nomad bank?

A: It goes to the Nomad bank. More accurately, the card should say ‘any favor going to your board’ instead of ‘any favor you gain or take.’

More Oath Rules

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