Advanced Syntax Games

Deed Writer

Oath Base Game · OATH-146

Action: Negotiate a binding exchange of favor, secret, and ruled sites with any player. Old ruler moves warbands to board, and new ruler moves warbands from board.

Standard DeckHearthPower

Q: Wait, can I make a deal with an Exile if I’m a Citizen?

A: Sure can. No permission needed from the Chancellor, and you take the warbands.

Q: If I buy sites as a Citizen, can I make the Chancellor place warbands?

A: No. Interpret uses of ‘board’ as meaning ‘your board.’

Q: Can a Citizen and Chancellor exchange sites to move around warbands?

A: No. You cannot give away these sites to each other since you both rule them already.

Q: Exactly how many warbands does the new rules have to place?

A: Any number they want, but not zero unless they have the Bandit Crown.

Q: Can a site be exchanged if the person receiving it has no warbands to rule it?

A: No, unless they would rule it by having the Bandit Crown.

More Oath Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.