Advanced Syntax Games


Oath Base Game · OATH-107

Action: Choose a player whose pawn is at your site. Put your pawn on a site that they can travel to. Make them travel to that site, spending no Supply.

Standard DeckOrderPower

Q: Can I use Palanquin to go to a site with Toll Roads?

A: Yes, but the player whose pawn is at your site must choose to give a favor to Toll Roads’ ruler, if they don’t rule it themself.

Q: If we’re both at the Shrouded Wood, who chooses where we go?

A: You will always go to the site that you choose, as long as the other player could travel there. If you rule the Shrouded Wood, you choose their destination, which can be different from the site that you go to. If they rule the Shrouded Wood, they will travel to the same site as you. If a third party rules the Shrouded Wood, the third party will choose where the player travels.

More Oath Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.