Advanced Syntax Games


Oath Base Game · OATH-068

If you rule Jinx, after you roll dicer or diceb for any reason, you may use this power to reroll all those dice once. (This is not a battle plan!)

Standard DeckArcanePower

Q: Can I use this card in any way to reroll the same set of dice multiple times?

A: No. It is too subtle, but the word ‘once’ indicates that the dice cannot be rerolled multiple times.

Q: Do I pay for this card before or after rolling?

A: After.

Q: Can I use this to reroll dice for Relic Thief or Gambling Hall?

A: Yup! Jinx is templated super weirdly, as a persistent power rather than a battle plan, so you can do this.

More Oath Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.