Advanced Syntax Games

Forest Paths

Oath Base Game ยท OATH-043

Spend no Supply and ignore the powers of sites if you're traveling to a site with a suit\-beast card.

Standard DeckBeastPowerTravel

Q: Does this also let me ignore the powers of cards at the site I am traveling to, such as Toll Roads?

A: Nope, just the power of the site itself. It lets you get around things like the Narrow Pass.

Q: What happens if I use this when traveling from the Shrouded Wood that is ruled by an enemy?

A: If the enemy ruler chooses that you travel to a Beast site, you pay no Supply. If you have less than 2 Supply, the enemy could either force your Travel action to fail, or could let you travel to a Beast site for free.

More Oath Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.