Advanced Syntax Games


Arcs Base Game ยท ARCS-LEAD06

Tactical. When you Copy or Pivot to battle, you may move before or after you battle. (You may do this even if you spent a Weapon to let you battle.)

Violent. When you're scoring Empath, gain no Power for second place, and gain Power for second place if you get first place. (Don't get bonus city Power.)


Q: Do I have to move and battle with the same ships with Tactical?

A: You can move and battle with different ships.

Q: Can the Tactical move be a Catapult move?

A: Yes.

Q: Can I do the Tactical move if I end up moving to a space with no ships to battle?

A: You must perform a legal Battle action after moving (must have a legal target to attack). Otherwise the move must be undone.

More Arcs Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.