Advanced Syntax Games
Flip Card

Admiral Act I Objective

Blighted Reach ยท ARCS-F701B

Prove Yourself as a New Admiral

While you're a Regent and winning an ambition, advance clock1 for each Imperial ship that anyone places on the map.

Imperial ships are placed with the Use Imperial Foundries and Govern the Imperial Reach (Policy of Escalation) edicts.

Demonstrate the Navy's Might

While you're a Regent, advance clock1 for each Trophy you take in battle with attacking Imperial ships.

To advance, you can battle Blight, Free cities, and Outlaws.

You can attack with both Loyal and Imperial ships, and the Imperial ship can be destroyed.

Act: 1

Blighted ReachObjectiveAdmiral

Q: Do trophies taken as part of ransacking the court count towards Admiral's objective?

A: Yes, if Ransacking the Court is triggered by destroying a city in battle and not by some other means. You are destroying pieces in the battle, and Ransacking the Court happens as part of destroying a city.

More Arcs Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.