Advanced Syntax Games

Caretaker Act I Resolution

Blighted Reach · ARCS-F507

If you completed your objective:

1. Scrap your Golem Beacon (02).

2. Place all Golem tokens from the map onto your Golem Hearth (03).

3. Add 1 lore card per player at random from the lore deck to the Court deck. Add the 4 Unstable cards (08–11) to the Court deck.

If you failed your objective:

1. Scrap your Golem Beacon (02).

2. Add your Stone-Speakers (04) to the Court deck

3. Scrap all Golem tokens on the map.

4. Add the Unstable cards (08–11) matching the Golems still in play to the Court deck. Scrap the rest of the Unstable cards (08–11).

Act: 1

Blighted ReachResolutionCaretaker
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