Advanced Syntax Games

Magnate Act I Resolution

Blighted Reach · ARCS-F303

If you completed your objective:

1. Add the Elder Broker (04), Relic Fence (05), and Prison Wardens (06) to the Court deck.

2. Place the 5 Cartel cards (07–11) behind the Magnate's next Resolution card (21).

3. If Mining Interest (CC01) or Shipping Interest (CC04) are in the Court discard pile, add them to the Court deck.

If you failed your objective:

1. Scrap the Elder Broker (04), Relic Fence (05), and Prison Wardens (06).

2. Add the 5 Cartel cards (07–11) to the Court deck.

Act: 1

Blighted ReachResolutionMagnate
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