Advanced Syntax Games
Flip Card

Guardian Act III Setup

Blighted Reach · ARCS-F2001A

  1. If you have a Flagship, you may Resettle—as described on the back of the Flagship board.

    2. You Provoke Outrage for Fuel and Material. (Discard these resources and cards. Place agents on their Outrage icons.)

    3. With 2 players, return all Material and Fuel on ambition boxes to the supply.

    4. Place the Edenguard Ambition tile by the Tycoon ambition box.

    5. Gain Green Vault (02) and Ire of the Tycoons (03).

    6. Add Edenguard Ambition (04) to the rules booklet. Explain it to everyone.

    Flip this card over.

Act: 3

Blighted ReachSetupGuardian
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