Advanced Syntax Games

Pirate Act II Resolution

Blighted Reach ยท ARCS-F1204

If you completed your objective:

1. Gain Pirate Smugglers (05).

2. Scrap Call to Action (06) and Silver-Tongues (07).

3. You may spend Fuel, Material, and Relics on your Pirate Hoard for their Prelude actions, ignoring ship build limits for Material. You may place any resources from it onto your player board. Return all resources remaining on it to the supply.

If you failed your objective:

1. Add your Pirate Fleet (03), Pirate Smugglers (05), Call to Action (06), and Silver-Tongues (07) to the Court deck.

2. Return all resources from your Pirate Hoard to the supply.

Act: 2

Blighted ReachResolutionPirate
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