Crisis: Each Imperial ship hits 1 ship of each Outlaw in its system, fresh ships first. Bury this card.
When Secured: You may resolve the Crisis in one cluster you choose, or you may hit all Imperial ships in a cluster you choose. Bury this card.
Act: 3
• This card is misprinted as an event card in the first printing of Arcs: The Blighted Reach Expansion. We will be issuing a professionally printed correction. As of June 2024, our plan right now is to wait a month or two in case any other errors of this nature crop up. At that point, we'll be offering an errata pack on our store with free shipping (it may have a nominal cost of 1 dollar or so). We'll also include a corrected copy in the next Arcs product. You can find a print-quality version of the file here.