Advanced Syntax Games

Planet Breaker Act III Resolution

Blighted Reach · ARCS-F1110

If you completed your objective:

1. Scrap Planet-Eater Loose (11).

2. Use your log sheet to record all pieces on your Breaking Worlds card (03). (They stay on it in Act III.)

If you failed your objective:

1. Add Planet-Eater Loose (11) to the Court deck.

2. Resolve the text under ”If you have all 6 Hammer Fragments” on the Hammer Fragments card (03) if you haven't already.

3. Place the Breaking Worlds card (03) and 6 Hammer tokens in the supply. (They're used by Planet-Eater Loose in Act III.)

4. Scrap your Planet Hammer (04).

Act: 2

Blighted ReachResolutionPlanet Breaker
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