Advanced Syntax Games
Flip Card

Hammer Fragments

Blighted Reach ยท ARCS-F1103A

Repair Hammer (Repair): Take 1 Hammer Fragment token you control and place it on this card. Place 1 fresh ship at the planet you took it from.

If you have all 6 Hammer Fragments on this card:

1. Untuck the Planet Hammer card from here and take it. Hammer Fragment tokens are now known as Hammer tokens.

2. Warn everyone that you can use the Planet Hammer to break planets, which makes everyone Provoke Outrage of the broken planet's type.

3. Flip this card to its Breaking Worlds side. Keep the 5 Refugee cards tucked under it.

Act: 2

Blighted ReachAbilityPlanet Breaker
More Arcs Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.