Advanced Syntax Games
Flip Card

Planet Breaker Act II Setup

Blighted Reach · ARCS-F1101A

  1. You gain a Flagship—take a Flagship board and set it up as described on the board back.

    2. Place 1 fresh starport on your Slipstream Drive Upgrade.

    3. Gain Sycophants (02).

    4. Gain the Hammer Fragments card (03).

    5. Tuck the Planet Hammer (04) and the 5 Refugees cards (05–09) under the Hammer Fragments card.

    6. Collect the 6 Hammer Fragment tokens.

    7. Roll the event die. Place 1 Hammer Fragment token on each planet of the rolled symbol.

    Flip this card over.

Act: 2

Blighted ReachSetupPlanet Breaker
More Arcs Rules

This tool created by Seiyria.