Advanced Syntax Games

Force Beams

Leaders and Lore · ARCS-L16

Guide (Move): Move any number of any ships (even if not Loyal) from a system with a fresh Loyal starport to an adjacent system, or vice versa, ignoring move modifiers in play areas.

Leaders and LoreLore

Q: Does this trigger Gate Ports?

A: No, since this ignores move modifiers.

Q: Can you use Force Beams to do a Catapult Move?

A: No, Force Beams is strictly to an adjacent system. It cannot start a Catapult move.

Q: How does this interact with Passages & The Twisted Passage?

A: You can use Force Beams to Guide ships into the Twisted Passage, but not out of it.


• The phrase 'in play areas' is added to this card in the second printing to improve some campaign game interactions.

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This tool created by Seiyria.